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Image by Patrick Tomasso

The CoVision Journey

Thank you for sharing with us, the journey from Australians Say No to mandatory vaccinations, to building a community where everyone’s rights are protected, honoured and guaranteed.


This journey has taught us that saying ‘No’ to mandatory vaccinations is not enough. Our rights to life, fair trial, freedom from torture and other inhumane treatment; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, health, education and adequate living standards; has come under brutal and relentless attack.


Most of us have experienced, at least one of these rights sabotaged by someone else; believing that they are justified in hurting us. More often than not, Governments have incited this sabotage and encouraged members in the community to turn against each other.


This has pushed our limits and forced us to grow.


​But growth is both difficult and critical. It is difficult, because in hindsight, it is painful to reflect on ways we could have managed the situation better. Growth and reflection are critical, because if we accept the lessons of the past, it catapults us to new insights and learnings.


We have reflected on our many learnings during this campaign.


Resistance is not just about saying ‘No’, it is about being prepared to let go of the old ways of doing things and devising tangible solutions that will benefit all.


Unity is not just a protest or a petition; it’s about parking aside our egos and actioning the solutions. Commitment to the cause is the only substitute.


Many of us are confronted by our own trauma. The loss of jobs, friendships, family connections, children and the system turning against us and punishing us; this has taken a deep toll. Many of us are facing financial ruin, emotional despair and social isolation.


However, how we respond to this trauma, will be a defining moment in our growth.


To truly overcome this adversity we cannot remain in our pain, nor can we remain trying to navigate a system that has cast us out. We must use this experience to transform the way we live.


This is a winning mindset which opens us up to new opportunities that will go unnoticed if you are focusing on escaping what you don't want. It’s in this mindset, where you make new connections and find solutions.


This is where we come together and help each rise beyond the pain and bring a CoVision of practical solutions to our troubles. Community, cooperation, collaboration and cocreation of new social systems which are grounded in morals, ethics and value for self, others and the planet.

The Vision

Growing New Communities

Now is the time to address the elephant in the room, confront it and move forward. Doing nothing equates to nothing.


Movers and shakers don’t wallow and judge; they have faith, that they will be accountable to something greater than themselves.


We invite you to share with our team, your vision, your obstacles, your resources, your talents, your time and your space, so that we can establish a solid database, to better connect you with others in all aspects of your life.


We must now create a Co-Vision unlike any other before. Through this process, we are co-creating a plan, to pull together our greatest resource; our co-llective. To succeed demands organisation and that is why we are here and co-mmitted to the tasks ahead.


In committing to understanding each other, we can better utilise our resources, talents and time and manifest the connected communities we have been dreaming about and will ultimately require in the very near future.


We have been connecting to many such movers and shakers throughout the Australian community, to address solutions for:

  • water security,

  • food security,

  • shelter,

  • health and education.


We have made many advances in Victoria, and we are modelling urban farming solutions at home for water and food security. We have connected with nurses and health practitioners, who are keen on providing their support. We also have connected with Australians Off-Grid, and forging a better understanding on how to set up safe and well-functioning communes.


There are many other individuals and groups, who have also started pulling people together, and we are so thankful to connect with them, including Stand in the Park, TAP communities, Concerto in WA and many others.


We have facilitated a number of face-to-face workshops in Victoria and we are now keen to move community building to the next level.


We are not trying to re-invent the wheel or tell people what to do; we are simply proposing a comprehensive strategy of getting organised and having a centralised secure database of community members, keen on getting connected and providing tools, to co-create the greatest solutions.


We will not create our database online, as it is not safe to do so in the current climate. Confidentiality and screening people’s sincerity, is a key element of our project, and it is for this reason, that we will undertake a comprehensive Covision Appraisal with all those committed to being part of the CoVision Solution.


Our team are trained and ready to talk to you. We can’t wait to manifest our CoVision with you, and we will use the power of organisation and collaboration, to get us moving in the right direction. We encourage those with strong leadership qualities; to please step forward to assist in facilitating thinktank workshops in each state and territory. If you have leadership qualities please tick the Think-Tank Facilitator box on the CoVision Appraisal Form

Stone Steps _ Moss
The Steps

Putting it all together

Step 1.

Over the next 8-10 weeks, our team will be committed to getting to know you all and formulating our secure, purpose-built database.


Step 2.

We will then coordinate a number of think-tank workshops in each State and Territory, connecting people together with a specific focus on co-creating our CoVision and coming up with practical solutions.


Step 3.

This is the hardest step and it will be the implementation of some of the immediate solutions required to set up our communities. We will not be able to implement all the solutions immediately; however, we will trial as pilots; some of the solutions for health and shelter as the first and most pressing priorities.

Image by Blaž
The Services

What we offer

CoVisionary Appraisals 


As an individual, couple or as part of a family household; one of our Advocates will contact you to organise a suitable time (up to 1 hour), via a secure medium, either an online session or call via Telegram or Signal, to discuss your vision (including any obstacles you currently have); your talents and skills, the time you have available and your resources that you are able to share and commit. 

Advance Care Planning Services


Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a process that supports you at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing your personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding current and future medical care. The goal of ACP is to help ensure that you receive medical care that is consistent with your values, goals, and preferences no matter what your capacity.

Counselling Services


No one needs to suffer alone, or have to deal with a system they no longer trust or feel comfortable or accepted in; as such, we have collated an amamzing team of Counsellors; that at the present time, can speak with you by telephone or over a video platform if preferred. 


Our Counsellors are adaptable, but many have skill sets that are specific to certain issues, as such, it would be helpful if you could briefly tell us a little bit about the issues you are experiencing on our confidential form. This form is only viewed by our CoVision Manager, one person only, whom will then find the right Counsellor to address your concerns and help you through your journey.

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